What's Your Happiness Dial?

Creating a life of happiness requires practice, just like a sport. It takes mindful, intentional actions - just 5% at a time. And the more time invested towards your happiness, the stronger your “happiness muscles” will grow.

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How to Create your Most Fun Summer Yet

I remember a time where I yearned for those vacation days of summer — days that I could take completely off from my work mind, emails, and the constant stream of deadlines and new projects to lead.

Vacation felt like a window of hope that I’d be able to relax “then.” It felt like oxygen awaited…

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The Dreams You're Already Living!

The key to bringing your dreams to life is to start identifying and naming what you want specifically, and then opening up to it — which requires stretching beyond what’s comfortable and known.

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Mid-Year Pause: Life by Design vs Default

And it’s likely that you took even a few brief moments to consider what you wanted to experience this year. Perhaps you considered your fitness/wellness goals, your professional goals, travel goals — or perhaps things you wanted to experience with your family; and hopes, dreams, new habits, or even promises to yourself.

Now that we are here, I’m curious about you. How are YOU at this mid-year mark?

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