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Conscious Finance Meetings
Money Autobiography Worksheet
Conscious Finance Meetings are structured, self-check-in sessions designed to foster a healthier and more simple relationship with money. This is created by regularly reviewing your financial figures, personal vision, and resource allocation to establish ongoing clarity and empowerment in your financial decision-making.
The Money Autobiography exercise is a reflective journey recounting one's life experiences and memories with money, spanning from childhood to the present, aiming to uncover insights and patterns in financial beliefs and behaviors. This can be a pivotal process to engage in a new vision for your money.
Self-Mastery Self-Assessment
Obstacles Into Opportunities Worksheet
Embracing the Obstacle as an Opportunity exercise encourages a shift in perspective towards challenges and pain points you find yourself in. Here, you’ll start viewing them as potential catalysts for growth and learning, fostering a mindset that transforms challenges into pathways for personal development and achievement.
The Self Mastery Self Assessment is a reflective tool designed to help individuals gain insight into their internal states and their impact on external experiences across health, wealth, and overall life satisfaction, fostering self-awareness and personal growth. This is a basic list of questions to explore where you are in relationship to various of your world.
Values Clarification Worksheet
The Values Clarification Worksheet is a tool designed to help individuals identify their core values, offering a pathway to increased self-awareness, fulfillment, and alignment by pinpointing what brings them purpose and joy in life.
For more videos from Sarah + her community, you can go to her YouTube channel here.