In the bespoke work I do, it’s a privilege to partner with my clients in clarifying and fulfilling their dreams - and in creating their most desired experiences in life and work. 

Results vary as every client is unique and the focus is different. Historically, when I complete coaching my clients, they report a marked increase to their self-esteem and sense of empowerment, clarity on themselves and their goals, deeper inner peace, substantially increased fulfillment and happiness, and most are making more money. 

Some clients get support on leading in the corporation they currently work in. Some desire to launch their own business or creative ideas. Some want to move and live abroad, or travel more regularly. Some want to buy their first or second home. The list goes on — and these dreams happen all the time for the people I take on.

I am honored to share some of their stories with you here. Enjoy.


“Sarah's coaching has changed my life and business in such a profound way.  With her support I have created a life I absolutely love and enjoy, and I quadrupled my billings within 6 months of working with her. The work we have done together goes far beyond what I ever could have imagined and I am able to see new possibilities for my life and both of my business for years and years to come.” — Katie Bray


"I've worked with Sarah ongoing for over 2 years now and I can honestly say that it has fundamentally changed my life in every way. I found my voice and my passion (in my 60's!) through working with Sarah. After selling my previous company, I started exploring what I wanted to build next, and Sarah supported me as I built my new business by exploring my own values and vision. It's thriving as a result. She's also been there for me as I became a grandmother, as my daughter went through cancer treatment, and as I've navigated this new season of life. I cannot express how much my world continues to be elevated because of our work together."  — Tracy Klass


“Over the past 6 months of working with Sarah, I have launched my podcast, completed a painful business divorce, and started a new company, all while raising three kids in a global pandemic and dealing with all that life can and will occasionally throw at you. It has been a turbulent time, but it has been the most rewarding time in my entire life. Not only have I leveled up in my career, but more importantly, I have leveled up as a man, husband, father, and creative force. Sarah is an immensely talented coach that listens deeply and asks the right questions that help push me to make my own realizations about obstacles in my thinking. I'm just beginning to create the fullest life and best version of myself and Sarah has been instrumental every step of the way. If you're looking to level up and you're ready to put in the work, you can't go wrong with Sarah in your corner.” — Greg Berard

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“Working with Sarah has impacted all facets of my life. I'm changing how I show up at work, in my relationship, and most importantly for myself. I am getting so much out of it that I signed on for another whole year of coaching up front. The benefit of having someone to turn to, to slow down and think things through with, and to recognize your wins cannot be understated. I feel that this time with Sarah is helping me unlock who I am and what I want, and to strategize a road to that reality. Simply realizing that I can step into my own untapped power has been amazing, and Sarah has provided not only the inception of that, but invaluable support and encouragement along the way.” —Amanda Gattenby


“Sarah was the absolute ideal professional coach for me. I have learned so much and received invaluable guidance and tools to help me propel my career forward as a mechanical engineer. After being in the same position for 8 years with few growth opportunities, I had begun feeling stuck and really frustrated. I felt I had no choice other than finding other companies to advance. Then I started working with Sarah. I didn’t want to leave my company, but things had to change. Sarah was my partner. She patiently and effectively guided me on my professional approach within my own company, supporting me every step of the way on changing my own dynamic in my role and my communication. It was a game changer. The results were a significant raise, more time working remotely, and a clear long-term plan for advancement. I’m now super satisfied and could not be happier, and I have tools for the rest of my lifetime. I attribute it all to my work with Sarah!” — Giuseppe Borracci

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Sarah is one of the kindest, wisest, heart-led professionals that I’ve ever had the joy to work with. She demonstrates and trains on exemplary ways to set boundaries, resolve conflict, and support others, while ensuring that our personal needs are the highest priority. At the time I reached out to her, I was balancing a new job as a TV executive, serving as the spiritual director of a spiritual center that I’d recently launched, co-hosting a monthly podcast and public speaking engagements, all while working on transitioning to a career as a TV writer. I came to her seeking clarity on how to prioritize all of my opportunities/responsibilities. In the year I spent with Sarah, I uncovered the underlying fears that prevented me from embracing my dreams. I identified my personal and professional priorities. But the most valuable gift was learning how to put myself first and giving myself permission to rest. By the end of our work together, I realized that I am the happiest I’ve ever been, and the happiest person I know.” — Karen Frost


Working with Sarah has been absolutely instrumental in my up-leveling my life and my business. When we first started working together, I had a lot of ideas and concepts floating about, and throughout our time working together, she helped me create a business and a life that I LOVE. Together, we were able to explore the thought patterns and mindsets that were holding me back and really work to raise the frequency of who I am and how I show up in the world personally and professionally.” —Meg Rector

“Working with Sarah has profoundly changed my life and the lens in which I look at life. She provides a loving, supportive, and safe space free of judgement to explore who I am and what I want, as together we designed my life and stretched myself to greater depths and layers of my purpose and desires. Sarah has an intuitive gift of pulling out my deepest potential and guiding me to where I can access the power within me to make positive changes and create more success in my personal and professional life. Sarah is truly invested in me as much as I’m invested in myself. Working with her has been transformative in deconstructing my old limiting beliefs and conditioning, while simultaneously reconstructing different and rich ways of experiencing, creating, and operating in my lifestyle, my professional life, and moving towards my visions!” — Karen Meisels


"Working with Sarah was awesome, there's no other way to say it. Her ability to listen deeply and to hold the space of unconditional acceptance is rare to find. It was always clear to me that she was there to help me succeed, and the work we accomplished together has truly made a difference in my life." — Mark Anthony Lord


"I cannot recommend Sarah highly enough! Not only did she guide my team in such a strategic way as to generate a substantial increase in company profits but she also helped us communicate better and inspired us to unleash our full potential as a company and as individuals. Sarah provides invaluable, personalized consulting that incorporates incredibly effective strategies for up-leveling company performance. I am so grateful to have worked with her." — Rachel Bowman


“When we began working together, Sarah asked me to imagine New Years Eve that year. My answer: Owning my first property ever, and being in a healthy romantic relationship. Both dreams felt impossible. I didn't even have the money for a downpayment, and no romance was on the horizon. It’s now 6 months later and as a result of my coaching with Sarah, I created the money to pay cash for a house here. Also, a healthy man has showed up in my life whom I am very much enjoying getting to know and slowly developing a romantic relationship with. This year already is the best year yet.” — Gina Gallaun


“Since my first session with Sarah, my life has dramatically shifted both inside and out. Sure, I like to read a lot of self-help books and watch YouTube videos, but for me that wasn’t enough for me to make real change. She has a way of unlocking my inner truths which has allowed me to take massive action. Since our first meeting, I got out of a marriage I had been extremely unhappy in, I walked away from a 6-figure income job, I started my own business and I have increased the amount of time I take to travel. My relationship with money has also changed drastically, which as a result... I am making a lot more of it!” —Luke Chittick


“Working with Sarah was incredibly transformative in so many ways! Not only did she help me work on internal issues that had been holding me back from success in my business and life, but she gave me tangible items to work on as I launched my business, such as my business contracts, work agreements, and website copy. In the three months since I completed my work with Sarah I have signed six new clients and hired two part-time employees! Working with Sarah was the epitome of having the best sounding-board and partner on my team whose only goal was to support me in the success of myself and my business.” —Stacey Rifkin


"Sarah is a leadership artist. She is relationally driven and tremendously passionate about effectively developing other leaders. Sarah has a knack for strategy and consistently produces excellent results without compromising culture or team chemistry... I regularly reach out to Sarah to help solve complex leadership, strategy and relational issues within the teams with which I work. Sarah is an ideal leader for any forward-thinking organization moving into the future." —Jon Pyle


“In working with Sarah, she helped empower me and opened up my eyes to discovering and accepting my authentic self, dreams, and desires. She has helped me work on my self-compassion, self-worth, and self-confidence. She helped guide me with teaching me how to define and create small honorable actions, working on the relationships, finance, career, health, and spiritual facets of life. I am very thankful to her being an advocate with me on this journey.” — Jenna Fuentes


“Sarah’s compassionate heart-centered support has been endless since we’ve been working together for over 8 consecutive months. She has held the most loving and focused container for my own growth and self improvement. My personal and professional growth have been impacted greatly due to our in-depth, soul searching work together. In our coaching conversations Sarah’s gracious patience and follow-through has allowed me to slow way down to gain more insightfulness resulting in the most truthful wonderfully amazing direction I could have ever imagined. She has this incredible ability to listen intently and has the keen sense to navigate towards the next right steps with action based results. She is a true fierce force in the life coaching world!” — Karri Watson


“As an author and speaker, Sarah helped me ‘level up’ my work throughout the USA and Europe. She is able and passionate about helping her clients become the best versions of themselves. If you’re stuck or looking to reach the next level of success or break through in your life, Sarah is the person to work with.” —Octavio Martinez


“As a transformational coach, Sarah gave me the space to delve deeper into my personal narrative and to discover what wholehearted, empowered living looks like for my life. Through our weekly conversations, she equipped me with the necessary tools to carry this practice into my daily life, and her example of cultivating gratitude still sticks with me as I continue to grow.” - Leigh Baldwin


“Sarah is a driven, detail-oriented, highly organized leader who supports people in designing and producing air-tight, high quality events for their audience. I have greatly enjoyed every opportunity I've had to work with Sarah for years now, and look forward to working together more in the future.” — Taylor Begert


“While I've known Sarah in a number of professional capacities for the past decade, when I went to launch my own business about a year ago I gained a new appreciation for her wisdom and knowledge. Sarah quickly knew how to ask the right questions, listen REALLY well, helped me zero in on how to reach my personal and professional goals simultaneously and provided the encouragement to get me over the hump on a few difficult decisions. If you're wanting a mentor to guide you through making a big decision in your life, starting a new business or just looking to improve your overall well-being, I cannot recommend Sarah highly enough!” —Robert Scholz


“As soon as I had my first conversation with Sarah, I knew she was the coach for me. There is something so special about the way she understood and approached me. Over the time that we worked together, I began to see my business and my life grow in every aspect. She offered me practical support and internal tools to create the life I've always dreamed of - financially, spiritually, physically and mentally. I cannot express enough how much gratitude I have for her as a person and a coach, and I can't wait to see my growth continue to expand thanks to the amazing work Sarah and I have done together.” — Shannon Allen


“Sarah has consistently been an incredible resource in my own professional development and my husband’s. We worked with her during a time when my partner was navigating career challenges and Sarah worked with us as a team, coaching us on professional language for salary negotiation, interview skills, and navigating a complex job search. She was indispensable to our process. The result? A significant salary raise, new perks at work, AND a clear five year plan for advancement at his current place of employment. We became a better team in life and in our professional work as a result of working with Sarah. We are beyond thrilled!” — Randi Picarelli


“I found Sarah because I knew I was stuck but I had no idea how to get unstuck. There was no amount leadership books, podcasts, online courses, or friends that could get progress in the way I wanted. From my first session with Sarah, I felt immediate relief. She gave me unwavering support in my businesses and my life. With her deeply grounded and intuitive guidance, I reconnected to my soul’s purpose. Thanks to my work with Sarah over this past year, I am becoming a leader who is empowered, clear, intentional, and confident. As a result, I’m taking my business in exciting new directions. She is a safe haven who is full of practical knowledge, hard-won wisdom, and non-judgmental insight.” — Patricia Margarita Maertens