Maximize Your Happiness NOW

Many of you know that my transition of leaving executive corporate leadership and going full-time in my coaching practice 5 years ago was a result of processing the very tragic an unexpected death of my dear friend, Dr. Jennifer Golick.

When I got news that she had been killed, I was up pumping breastmilk for my newborn daughter at 2am. Figuratively, I held new life in one hand and new death in the other.

Over the following days and weeks, I started processing Jenn’s passing and my grief. It was a deep excavation. 

Her death inspired me to question everything in my world - especially what makes a happy and fulfilling life.

One thing became abundantly clear: I was not as happy as I thought I was in my life.

The snapshot of my world then looked really good at that time, but underneath it all, I felt a lack of fulfillment with lots of thoughts around how looking good meant feeling good (happiness). I soon realized that no amount of money, success, or community could solve for my happiness. That was mine to discover. 

A book I read in that season radically supported me in finding a new access to happiness immediately. Ironically, it’s a book called “The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying” by Bronnie Ware.

In it, Bronnie lays out exactly what the title is:

Regret 1: “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

Regret 2: “I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.”

Regret 3: “I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.”

Regret 4: "I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.”

Regret 5: “I wish that I had let myself be happier.”

So if those are the biggest regrets, then the positive-opposite (a life without regrets), includes nurturing the areas she shares about.

Creating a life of happiness requires practice, just like a sport. It takes mindful, intentional actions - just 5% at a time. And the more time invested towards your happiness, the stronger your “happiness muscles” will grow.

To create more happiness NOW, answer and consider the following (the opposite of the regrets!):

1) What is ONE way I can step closer to living the life I truly want, outside of other people’s opinions?
2) What is ONE way I could experiment with NOT working so hard? What would take me closer to ease?
3) Who is ONE person I willing to express my true feelings to this week?
4) What is ONE friend I’m committed to reaching out to this week, just to say hi?
5) What is ONE thing I can do today that would take me closer to happiness?

Take a moment to answer these questions and send any questions you may have here.