Delegate/ Delete/ Delay
On a daily basis, most of us tend to behave as though everything is urgent and important at the same time.
But is it true that every item on your schedule or to-do list is important AND urgent at at the same time?
If you really slow down, you’ll likely find that very few things actually qualify as both
What is absolutely necessary for you to do today? This week? What is actually extra? What can wait? These are the questions to be with.
A tool that I use in my own life is the game of DELEGATE/ DELETE/ DELAY. This is something you can use right now, immediately, to triage what’s on your calendar, to do list, or inbox.
1) DELEGATE: Is this something that truly only YOU can do? Can you outsource this? Can someone else do this? Can you hire someone for this?
(Hint: They might not do the task like you would, but is it sufficient to get the task done? It might be worth the time and energy in the end.)
2) DELETE: Remove or say no to things that are ultimately unnecessary, or that ultimately do not take you forward, or that don’t align with your focus or priorities. Unsubscribe, delete the apps, shut off notifications, say “so sorry, can’t make it” to the invitation, pause on volunteering for opportunities until there is more spaciousness, etc. Only say yes to what's important to you right now.
As one of my mentors from grad school told me almost 20 years ago: “'No' is a complete sentence. No explaining necessary” It’s okay to say no. In fact, do it often. Not everything holds the same level of value or importance.
3) DELAY: Timing is everything!! Given what's happening in your life/work/finances, today might not be the ideal time to take that course, or book that trip, or to start a new relationship, or adopt a puppy, or start a new business.
This one is the hardest for me (and most people). Marketing and cultural messaging around immediacy can be hard to resist. “One time only!” “Sale ends today!” “Last call for ____!” "Spots are filling!" "One left!"
Delayed gratification can be tough to opt into, but it’s so important. We cannot have it all — all of the time. We get to choose where our finite attention and energy goes.
My clients who’ve been experimenting with Delegate/ Delete/ Delay have experienced tremendous results in the form of deeper inner freedom, increased self-esteem, and exponentially more time and energy.
That’s not magic! It’s all about intention.
If you’d like more support with this, please reach out here.