Your Inner Authority

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Over the last 10 days, I've participated in three different workshops filled with professionals who are dedicated to their personal growth and expansion. These experiences held people dedicated to dreaming, to thinking at a higher level, to listening to their inner guidance on what they were to do next. 

In less words: These were people who owned their Inner Authority -- fully aware of their freedom and ability to choose their path and their way. 

As a coach, I'm committed to knowing and seeing each unique individual as 100% capable of living the desires they have, and to partnering with them in their unlimited ability to create anything they want.

...which is why it breaks my heart when I come across startling research like below: (Citation here.) 

We are in an epidemic of people who feel stuck. People who are not awake to who they are and what's possible for them; who are not in touch with their uniqueness and their power to create -- and who are playing a role in life and work that they think others want for them.

So what is the antidote?

In my 15+ years of people development work, the key to someone moving into what they want is this: A willingness to open to the process of seeing themselves as capable (even 1% at a time) and allowing themselves to be empowered and supported in taking their next steps.

This requires someone to tap into their Inner Authority, which means knowing what is right and true for YOU instead of outsourcing those answers to someone else.

One source shares: (Citation: Jovian Archive.) 

The more you make decisions from your “power center” inside, which is that place where your Inner Authority guides you, the more fulfilled and powerful you will feel. The less you will find yourself in patterns of reaction, default, shoulds, and obligation.

You have every answer you want INSIDE. Are you listening? 

And with that, our minute is up.


If you’re courageous enough to explore this, take time to answer these three questions for yourself:

1. When is the last time you made a decision based on your Inner Authority? How did it go?

2. On a scale of 0% to 100%, to what percentage are you in touch with your Inner Authority? How much would you like to be?

3. If you exclusively made decisions from your "power center," how would your life be different?