3 Ways Forward When Life Brings The Unexpected

The Unexpected.

This season of life across the world seems to be one of total uncertainty and transition right now. We're seeing that on a global scale (upcoming US elections, uprising over wrongful deaths of girls in Iran, hurricanes in Florida, the list goes on).

And, Life is also showing up in radically unexpected ways with people in my world at this time.

A woman I spoke with yesterday shared about the unexpected death of her beloved boyfriend of a heart attack that came totally out of the blue, which has left her in deep grief. A person I've worked with for over 4 years is navigating his girlfriend's terminal cancer, which is a long, hard road. A friend of mine was let go from his job this month. Another friend is in the middle of a messy divorce. 

You likely know someone who has been hit with radically unexpected news -- and I don't have to know you to know that you have had that experience in your life. Perhaps you're in the midst of that right now.

Whether Life's Unexpected comes through the news or hits much more personally to you, I offer you three frameworks you can use to navigate through it.

3-Ways Forward When Life Brings the Unexpected

1. Chaos
This framework says, "This is all too much. I don't know what's to come and I'm too scared to do anything. I'm overwhelmed." There is avoidance/distraction, emotional walls come up, and a sense of hopelessness settles in. Life happens to them, they believe.

2. Restoration
This framework looks at the situation and handles it. They take the steps forward to come out the other side. But, once on the other side, they return to their old patterns of behavior and they remain unchanged. The default mode takes over.

3. Rebirth
In this framework, someone intentionally walks through the unexpected ready to learn and integrate it, takes courageous action to come out the other side, and chooses to allow the Unexpected to change them forever. They choose to be a new person as the result. 

Whatever you're up against today, my hope is that this gives you a template for ways you can choose to move forward. The Unexpected can hit hard -- and you can be forever changed for the better if you want to. 

And for those of you in the thick of it, here is a beautiful and powerful documentary (free) on The Hero's Journey. If you watch it, let me know what you think and it's helpful.