Entrepreneurship: Sometimes we get “The Yes” before “The How”

Entrepreneurs have been so strong on my mind and I am inspired to speak directly to the experience of being an entrepreneur and stepping into entrepreneurship. This feels timely given that I see our world needs more stories about people saying YES to life and to what’s possible now more than ever.

There is a lot of curiosity about entrepreneurship, I find.

Over the last year especially, I’ve received a lot of questions about how I created my business after 15 years in corporate and, specifically, how it became successful so quickly.

This has inspired me to share my own story, as well as the stories of other entrepreneurs who are normal people making strong incomes doing things they love, and the behind-the-scenes of what’s required for success as a business owner.

As preview to my own experience (which I will share in a future newsletter):

My own company launched fully at a time that most people would assume to be the direct opposite of "ideal conditions." I was 6-months postpartum, my hormones out of whack, pumping breastmilk every 2-hours (even overnight), my husband had no job/income to take care of our daughter, and I was grieving the loss of one of my dearest friends who was tragically killed.  

I chose that conditions it didn’t matter. I chose that it was my time, I was deeply committed, and I closed to exit doors. I'd never worked for myself before, but I knew someone who could help me learn how.

Sometimes we get “The Yes” to start something
without being sure of “The How.”

The How does come for those who are committed to figuring it out no matter what. Choosing is a courageous thing for anyone to do.

Also, it's worth spending time in the truth that entrepreneurship is an on-the-job training. No one starts with all of the answers and know-how. I am still learning every day! So is every other entrepreneur I know.
Inspiration Story: Meet Dr. Liz Lehman, Doctor turned Entrepreneur

A month ago, I interviewed one of my longtime favorite entrepreneurs for a retreat I led on dreaming, Dr. Liz Lehman of Aluminate Life. She calls herself an accidental entrepreneur because it wasn't ever her master plan.

In short, after being a doctor until she was 50 years old, she discovered arthritis in both hands and had surgery to help her condition. The surgery left her worse. She had another surgery and it left one of her hands even worse - to the point she couldn't really use her hand. It rendered her unable to perform her job as a doctor immediately.

That one day changed her whole future. Dr. Liz was left to consider what was next for her and her career at her midlife.

After being a doctor.

Ultimately, she chose to create a candle and wellness product business, which was something she cared about very much and enjoyed. She knew what she wanted to do, but she didn't know how to run a product business. 

From day one she reached out to over 100 local spas to see if they would like to stock her products. She got yeses. She signed clients who wanted to pay. However, she didn’t know how to track inventory, what a SKU was, how to do product orders or receive payment… and she figured it out!

Sometimes we get the YES before we know the HOW.

When I asked Dr. Liz about the start of her business, she said chose to be a learner through the process of entrepreneurship. Being a learner is part of what has led to her successes -- like being the top sold product at a Four Seasons resort, collaborating with the former executive producer of the Oprah's O Network, and more.

As a gift to you, this LoveBomb community, I'm sharing my interview with Dr. Liz with you.

I have her permission to share. It's about 30 mins long. As context, keep in mind that this interview was intended for my retreat attendees last month and it's not edited for the public. I'm sharing with you, this LoveBomb community, as a way of enriching your own exposure and learning about this very exciting and wonderful idea. 

You can click here or below to watch.