Brain Change For Money & A Life You Love

In my work, what I see time and time again, and what I have experienced in my own transformation, is that real change requires not only awareness and willingness - but literal mental rewiring through consistent action.

All change occurs from the inside out. Inside is the place to start.

Every person has a default setting (mindset) we live from and oftentimes this is totally unconscious. Our default setting is cultivated by “nature and nurture,” and literally every single day of our life experiences.

The default setting is neurological and it dictates all of our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves, money, other people, the world, goodness, love, what’s possible.

Our wiring gives us invisible “rules” that we follow, which may or may not be accurate or true. (Popular examples: “I can only make up to $— in my industry, I can’t have ___ until I really make it big, only certain people get to indulge in___, I can’t ___ because…”.)

Changing your wiring changes your life.

As an example, a number of years ago I made the decision to change my relationship with money, because I wanted to make more of it. In order to shift my external experience (aka bank balance!), I had to start with my inner wiring about money.

My business coach, Amber, turned me onto a powerful book by Barbara (Stanny) Huson, called Overcoming Underearning. The title turned me off for a lot of reasons, but she assured me that it would change my income *if* I was willing to change my thinking and to be in action per the guidance of this book. I was.

I devoured the book cover to cover, did every single exercise (that's where the REAL change comes), and my wiring around money literally changed. It also significantly changed the number in my bank account by the time I was finished with the book.

It isn’t magic. It’s literally neurological, through practice.

[Now, I work with Barbara 1:1 as my money coach. Her latest book is directly about rewiring your brain for wealth. What I've learned through her is that high earners are not magical people -- they rehearse and embed neurological wiring for what they want to create AND they do something that scares them/feels big regularly.]

This doesn’t just work in the area of money, though. It works with literally ANY area of life you want to shift in. 

Change your wiring, change your life — and you get to decide to change any moment you want.

With that, our minute is up!

Research shows that neurological wiring is the key to change AND that it can happen quickly — even within hours. See citations at the bottom of this email.

Answer these questions: 
-- What is one thing in your life that you wish was different?
-- Are you willing and ready to change your thinking about it? Where would you like to start?
-- And are you open to the fact this can start to happen literally today - by your choice?

If you honestly sit with these questions, let me know what you come up with. I’m committed to supporting my people and this is a key that can unlock so much more goodness, joy, and fulfillment for you.